Spontaneous Formation of Proto-Cells in an Universal Artificial Chemistry on a Planar Graph

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, Peter Dittrich, and Wolfgang Banzhaf (2001)
Spontaneous Formation of Proto-Cells in an Universal Artificial Chemistry on a Planar Graph
in: J. Kelemen and P. Sosik (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life (Proc. 6th European Conference on Artificial Life), LNCS 2159, pp. 206-215, Prague, September 10-14, 2001. Springer, Berlin.

An artificial chemistry is embedded in a triangular planar graph􏰁 giving the molecules the possibility to act only locally along the edges􏰂. We observe the formation of effectively separated components in the graph structure􏰂. Those components are kept differentiated by elastic reactions from molecules generated inside the component itself􏰂. We interpret those components as self􏰊-maintaining cells and the elastic nodes as their membrane􏰂. The possibilities for these cells to be autopoietic are discussed􏰂.