Pietro Speroni di Fenizio and Cyril Valikanov
Fair Participation, a Special case of Fair Division or Something Else?
Extended Abstract with talk. 3 May 2011, Budapest, COMSOC 2011.
It is common in collaborative systems to allow users to submit their contributions (proposals and/or comments) and then evaluate each other’s contributions. Most of such systems also exhibit a list of the highest rated contributions, with an implicit assumption that those are the best, the most relevant, the most interesting ones. Indeed, the highest rated ones are often interesting enough, but the opposite is not necessarily true. With a system as described above (of a kind that is nearly ubiquitous on the Internet), a really good contribution may easily pass unnoticed, without ever being evaluated at its real importance and real interest it presents. In a sense, this issue, which we call “fair collaboration” or “fair participation”, is related to a well-known research topic, “fair division”. We will analyze how the two topics are relating to each other, and under what assumption can “fair collaboration” be seen as a case of “fair division”. We will also suggest some possible solutions, and draft directions of further study.
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