Pietro Speroni di Fenizio(2009)
Studying Novelty in Reaction Networks:
From Novelty in Artificial Chemistries to Novelty in Artificial Life
Invited talk at theWed 11th Nov. 2009 Alergic meeting (University of Sussex) and then repeated at York University on the 17th Nov. 2009. The video is from the Sussex one.
We shall first investigate how reaction networks are at the base of the various disciplines in artificial life. We will then learn a method (Chemical Organization Theory) that helps us to study novelty in reaction networks, and see what results does this method gives us inside the various sub-fields of artificial life and related systems; from artificial chemistries to simulated ecologies, to agent based models, to the most general system: chemistry.
Chemical Organization Theory, was derived by Walter Fontana’s work on Constructive Dynamical Systems. We modified the definition to fit a more general framework, and thus cover a wider range of phenomenon. Evolution of those systems will also be presented.